
1. Problem
Our team identified the lower adherence rates to the I Living Labs activity problem, due to the lack of campaigns and communication about this project targeted to the students.

2. EUDRES Values
Ethical behaviour
Gender equality
Diverse communities
Inclusive approaches
Future-oriented excellente scientific expertise
Learner-centered education
Creative, curious and inspired co-ideation
Problem-based, solution-oriented and efficient approaches
Human-centered, inclusive and participatory action

3. Brand Personality








4. Positioning
EUDRES Marketing department chose to use a Digital Marketing strategy to communicate their service, which means they communicate through emails, their own website and universities platforms. Their Marketing efforts focus on bringing awareness of all EUDRES activities to the students.

5. Advertising Goals
Our team is developing this campaign in order to bring awareness to the I Living Labs activity, in addition raise EUDRES brand awareness.

6. Target
Young adults, raging 18 to 23 years of age, college students of Eudres institutions that enjoy team working, dynamic challenges and exploring new cultures and countries.